-Questions about ttmath

-Is this C++ able to compile and build to a windows .dll with only 64 bit TDM and Codeblocks? Can it be compiled without Visual Studio, and without any ore files or dependencies?

-Does this library support arbitrary precision numbers, curtailed only by the amount of available memory?

-What are the names of the arbitrary types for integers, and the name for the decimal type? What are their #include statements?

-Does this library include function support for these two types? Sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, base 10 logs, base e logs, power, nth root, e calculating function, pi calculating function?
What is the name of the functions class?

Added by: ~guest, 2018 X 23

It seems that this library is compile-in only.
Can someone supply or direct me to a 64 bit Windows .dll
version of this, if this is particuarly possible?

Added by: ~guest, 2018 X 23

-What is the name of the Integer class?
-What is the name of the Decimal class?

Added by: ~guest, 2018 X 23

Is it possible to make repeated precision/scale calls on one
of your special integers or decimals, to indefinitely
increase precision or scale, or, contingent to OS total RAM availability,
can I generally just always ask for yet more precision/scale
outside of c++ raw type extent limits?

Added by: tomek, 2018 XI 05

This library consists of header files, just include
ttmath.h and use it. No need for any ddl-es.

ttmath::Int<> - template for integers
ttmath::Big<> - template for floating point numbers
There is no decimal class yet.

It's not possible to make arbitrary precision, if you need
such precision a better choise would be to use GMP.

Sample program to calculate Sin:
#include <iostream>
#include "ttmath/ttmath.h"

int main()
typedef ttmath::Big<1, 3> MyBig;
MyBig a, b;

a = "32.54354234234234";
b = ttmath::Sin(a);
std::cout << b << std::endl;

Check the rest methods in ttmath namespace.