It'd be nice if you specified the C++ <e,m> on the online calculator.

ttmath::Big<8,64> SmallPrecision;
ttmath::Big<16,128> MediumPrecision;
ttmath::Big<32,256> BigPrecision;

Probably just the triangular brackets would suffice:

Thank you.

Added by: tomek, 2010 X 14

Actually it is as follows:
typedef ttmath::Big<TTMATH_BITS(64), TTMATH_BITS(512)> BigValue1;
typedef ttmath::Big<TTMATH_BITS(128), TTMATH_BITS(1024)> BigValue2;
typedef ttmath::Big<TTMATH_BITS(256), TTMATH_BITS(2048)> BigValue3;

so for an example the last gives:
on 32bit machine: Big<8, 64>
on 64bit machine: Big<4, 32>

but I don't think this information is important :)